Happy 1st Birthday Daisy Chain Fashion!
So it's been ONE YEAR since Daisy Chain Fashion began! I can't believe how quickly this first year has gone!
I am SO thankful to all my followers and supporters and am so proud with how far this blog has come! I hope to continue Daisy Chain Fashin for years and years to come- I can't wait to see how much it has developed in the next year, or the year after that!
Writing each post for the weeks is a great love of mine, I love writing and designing each post, adjusting it to make it perfect for my readers sake, but also my own, knowing that when I post, I have a collection of people that have taken thier time to read each and every word and to look at every single picture I have carefully taken and chosen to be featured in my posts.
So please continue your lovely support you provide and share your love for my blog, not just today but always!
Love Emily x 💕